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Social Engineering

Providing engaging Social Engineering games for high school and up.

About us

Social Engineering is the use of deception to manipulate people and/or business's into sharing their personal or confidential
information. In terms of cyber security, this can mean passwords, usernames, security questions, basically anything that can
be used to hack into accounts. There are currently 10,00 unfilled Cybersecurity jobs in Colorado, and by 2021 it’s estimated that
number will be 3.5 million globally. Everyday more than 50,000 sites and 160,000 Facebook accounts are hacked.

So how are we helping fix this?

We are an open source site for users to play games centered about Cybersecurity, specifically Social Engineering, enabling
them to recognize when these tactics are used against them, learn what type of information is easily hackable, how to
prevent Social Engineering hacks, and even contribute their own games to teach others.

