
Social Engineering

Providing engaging Social Engineering games for high school and up.

About the Challanges

Recon and Dialog
Here you create your character and interact with fictional character Alexander Coleman as a Social Engineering trying to hack Alex.
Provided with his name, age, and a link to his facebook, sleuth his socials to find out more about him and eventually hack him.

Dictionary Building
Part Two of Recon and Dialog, using the same fictional character Alexander Coleman and what you now know about him,
continue to sleuth and use a password hacking algorithm to hack his accounts...

Social Engineering Game
This is a phone based game that can be played multiplayer or solo.
The only thing you need to get started is a phone and your newfound skills as a Social Engineer!

This is where you can add your own Social Engineering Game!

Disclaimer* This game is designed provide awareness about Social Engineering, not to promote malicious hacking.

