Social Engineering Game

Game Rules

Call a random number and see how many of these questions you can “trick” them into answering.
Some questions slip into conversation easily, and some are a lot harder to slide by.
Answers to hard questions are worth more points.

Compete with a friend to see who can score the most social engineering hack points!


1) Do you have kids? +1
a) What are their names? +2 per name
b) What are their ages? +2 per age
2) Do you have any pets? +1
a) What are their names? +1 per name
3) Did you have any pets as a child? +1
a) What were their names? +1 per name
4) What is your job? +1
5) What is your favorite color? +2
6) Where did you grow up? +2
7) How old are you? +4
8) What is your birthday? +4
9) Where did you go to college? +2
10) What is your favorite movie? +1
11) What are their parent’s names? +4
12) What is their spouse/partner’s name? +1

